
Pandangan Nasrani mengenai kontradiksi dalam al-Quran dengan jawaban dari umat Islam.

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Complete Contents

Internal Contradictions

And it just doesn't add up

Misha'al ibn Abdullah

How many angels were talking to Mary?

Misha'al ibn Abdullah
Randy Desmond

Further numerical discrepancies

Misha'al ibn Abdullah
Randy Desmond

Six or eight days of creation?

Misha'al ibn Abdullah

Heavens or Earth? Which was created first?

Misha'al ibn Abdullah
Randy Desmond

Calling together or ripping apart?

Misha'al ibn Abdullah
Randy Desmond

What was man created from?

Misha'al ibn Abdullah

Will there be inquiry in Paradise?

Misha'al ibn Abdullah

Are angels protectors?

Misha'al ibn Abdullah
Randy Desmond
The Learner Site

Is everything devoutly obedient to Allah?

Misha'al ibn Abdullah
Randy Desmond

Does Allah forgive shirk?

Misha'al ibn Abdullah
Randy Desmond

The event of worship of golden of the golden calf

Misha'al ibn Abdullah
Randy Desmond

Moses and the Injil?

Misha'al ibn Abdullah
Randy Desmond

Can slander of chaste women be forgiven?

Misha'al ibn Abdullah

How do we recieve the record on judgment day?

Misha'al ibn Abdullah
Randy Desmond

Can angels disobey?

Misha'al ibn Abdullah
Shaahin Sharifi

Three contradiction in 2:97 and 16:101-103

Misha'al ibn Abdullah
Shaahin Amiri-Sharifi

The infinite loop problem

Misha'al ibn Abdullah
Randy Desmond

"An old woman" and God's character

Misha'al ibn Abdullah
Randy Desmond

More problems with the story of Lot

Misha'al ibn Abdullah
Randy Desmond

The "pleasure" of Allah

Misha'al ibn Abdullah

Did Abraham smash the idols?

Misha'al ibn Abdullah

What about Noah's son?

Misha'al ibn Abdullah

Was Noah driven out?

Misha'al ibn Abdullah

Pharaoh's repentance in the face of death?

Misha'al ibn Abdullah


Misha'al ibn Abdullah

Guiding to truth?

Misha'al ibn Abdullah

What is the punishment for adultery?

Misha'al ibn Abdullah

Will Christian enter Paradise or go to Hell?

Misha'al ibn Abdullah

God alone or also men? Clear or incomprehensible?

Misha'al ibn Abdullah

Was Pharaoh Drowned or Saved when chasing Moses and the Israelites?

Misha'al ibn Abdullah

When Commanded Pharaoh the Killing of the Sons?

Misha'al ibn Abdullah

When/how are the fates determined?

Misha'al ibn Abdullah

Wine: Good or bad?

Misha'al ibn Abdullah

Will all Muslims go to Hell?

Misha'al ibn Abdullah

Who is the father of Jesus?

Misha'al ibn Abdullah

Contradictory Grammar

Wael Ibrahim

And more

Actually these are not more. Katz already asked about them in the list and they already are answered. It seems he wants to give good impression by increasing length of the list no matter how weak are these so-called contradictions or how many times they are repeated.

To speak or not to speak?

External Contradictions

Introductory question

Scientific Mistakes in the Quran
Scientfic Facts in the Qur'an

Solomon listening to ants?

Randy Desmond

Qur'an and Science: Section Four in Dr. Campbell's book[
Qur'an and Embryology[
Can non-living matter think, feel and have a will?
The human embryonic development
The place of Sun rise and Sun set
Stars created to be thrown at devils?

Fariduddien Rice

Sun and moon are subject to man?

Fariduddien Rice

Orbits of Earth, Moon, & Sun
Mountains and Earthquakes
The impossible conversation
Solomon and the animals...
Thinking with the breasts?
there are more...

Moses and the Samaritan?
The farthest Mosque?
Alexander the Great, a Muslim?

Khalid Jan
Qardhawi's fatwa in Indonesian language

there are more

The Qur'an in Contradiction to the Earlier Revelations:
Introductory remark
Did God teach Adam the names of the animals?
Animal sacrifices for Christians?
How many messengers at Noah's time?
Why did the Queen of Sheba come to Solomon?
Ezra the Son of God?
Jesus reached old age?

Historical Compressions:
Mary, the sister of Aaron?
Pharaoh and Haman?
A Samaritan tempting the Israelites in Moses time?
More contradictions between Qur'an and Bible

Muslim Traditions in contradiction to even the Qur'an:
Abraham's sacrifice: Isaac or Ishmael?

Misha'al ibn Abdullah

Is Muhammad the prophet like Moses?


Does the Word of God in Noble Qur'an Contain Contradictions?



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