But Who Created God?by Dr. Hugh Ross, M.Sc., Ph.D. (from his book "The Creator And The Cosmos") A question children often ask about God is, If God created us, who created God? A sophisticated adult might phrase the question this way: Given that Jesus Christ created the universe and everything in it, including all matter, energy, and the four space-time dimensions, who created Him? Actually, the question itself yields an elegant proof for creation. The universe and everything in it is confined to a single, finite dimension of time. Time in that dimension proceeds only and always forward. The flow of time can never be reversed. Nor can it be stopped. Because it has a beginning and can move in only one direction, time is really just half a dimension. The proof of creation lies in the mathematical observation that any entity confined to such a half-dimension of time must have a starting point or point of origination. That is, that entity must be created. This necessity for creation applies to the whole universe and ultimately to everything in it. The necessity for God to be created, however, would apply only if God, too, were confined to half a dimension of time. He is not. Again, by definition, time is that realm or dimension in which cause-and-effect phenomena take place. According to the space-time theorem of general relativity, such effects as matter, energy, length, width, height, and time were caused independent of the time dimension of the universe. According to the New Testament (2 Timothy 1:9, Titus 1:2), such effects as grace and hope were caused independent of the time dimension of the universe. So both the Bible and general relativity speak of at least one additional time dimension for God. In two or more dimensions of time, an entity is free from the necessity of being created. If time were two-dimensional, for example, both a time length and time width would be possible. Time would expand from a line into a plane. In a plane of time, an infinite number of lines running in an infinite number of directions would be possible. If God were to so choose, He could move and operate along an infinite time line that never touches or crosses the time line of our universe. As John 1:3, Colossians 1:16-17, and Hebrews 7:3 say, He would have no beginning and no end. He would not be created. To order this book "The Creator And The Cosmos" go to: Reasons to Believe Catalog References: Ross Hugh, Ph. D., "The Creator And The Cosmos" Navpress, 1993 (Revised Edition,1995) Reasons to Believe, p.80-81 |
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