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How Can God Hear and Respond to All Prayers - Simultaneouslyby Dr. Hugh Ross, M.Sc., Ph.D. (from his book "Beyond The Cosmos") Anyone who has tried to listen to two or three
conversations at once can understand this question. How can
God hear and respond to my prayers while millions or even
billions of other people are praying at the same moment
around the world? Our experience with time and attention
tells us that no one can tune in to billions of voices at
the same moment much less respond to them all. As one
third-grader stated the situation, a billion simultaneous
calls would jam up God's phone line.
Because of our confinement to a single, unidirectional, unstoppable time line, we humans are forced to communicate with other individuals (or groups) sequentially. But God does not live with such confinement. In a two-dimensional time plane such as the one described above, His capacity to communicate with any number of individuals simultaneously can be demonstrated. In this plane, God can extend a time line perpendicular, or at right angle, to our time line at any given moment along our time line (see figure 1). On this perpendicular line, God can give individual, undivided attention to any number of prayers simultaneously. None of us have any need to worry that our communication with Him will be drowned out by the communication of others (see figure 2). Operating in a time plane is one provable way God could give individual attention to six billion simultaneous prayers, But as the Master and Creator of at least ten space-time dimensions, He obviously would have many more options. This simple illustration goes far in reassuring us that God really is attentive to us at every moment, in every situation. It give new meaning to King Davids's expression of joy and wonder: How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! To order this book "Beyond The Cosmos" go to: Reasons to Believe Catalog | ||||
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