
  1. Answers In Action
  2. Apologetics: Resources
  3. Apologetics and Skeptics
  4. Apologetics and Theology Resources
  5. Apologetics Web Sites
  6. Berean Missionary Outreach
  7. Christian Apologetics
  8. Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry
  9. Christian Reading Room
  10. Christian Research Institute(CRI)
  11. Christian Sites to be Seen (Apologetics)
  12. Come Let Us Reason Together...
  13. Crossroads Project: Apologetics Question of the Week
  14. Digital Pro Deo
  15. Does God Exist?
  16. Foundation for Biblical Studies
  17. Leadership University
  18. MCU Virtual Library - Apologetics
  19. Ravi Zacharias International Ministries
  20. Reasons to Believe
  21. Reformed Theology and Apologetics
  22. Stand to Reason
  23. Tom's Apologetics Page
  24. The Vinyard at West Orlando - Apologetics
  25. Wittgenstein's Net - A Christian Thinktank


  1. Ancient World Web
  2. Classics & Mediterranean Archaeology Homepage
  3. Interpreting Ancient Manuscripts Web
  4. Online Archaeology
  5. Papyrology Home Page
  6. ROMARCH: A Resource for Art and Archaeology of Ancient Italy and the Provinces of Rome


  1. The Bible Gateway (NIV, KJV, RSV, Darby, YLT)
  2. German Bible (Elberfelder Ubersetzung Bibel)
  3. Easton's Bible Dictionary
  4. Interpreting Ancient Manuscripts Web
  5. Random Bible Verse
  6. Resource Page for Biblical Studies
  7. The Bible - KJV (King James Version; includes the Apocrypha)
  8. Vulgate Bible of St. Jerome (in Latin)
  9. World Scripture
  10. World Wide Web Study Bible

Bible Questions

  1. Bible Answering Service
  2. Christian Answers Network
  3. Saint Petersburg Theological Seminary

Bible Studies

  1. Kim Andreas' Bible Studies.
  2. Adam Osborne's Bible Studies.
  3. Dean & Laura Van Druff's Acts 17:11 Bible Studies.
  4. Weekly Bible Study


  1. Our Daily Bread

Early Church Documents

  1. Early Church Fathers
  2. Ecole Initiative
  3. Guide to Early Church Documents
  4. Labyrinth: A World Wide Web Server for Medieval Studies
  5. Renaissance Dante in Print (1472-1629)

Reference Materials

  1. The Bible Gateway (NIV, KJV, RSV, Darby, YLT)
  2. Easton's Bible Dictionary
  3. German-English Parallel Bible
  4. Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary
  5. KJV Bible Arranged by Subject
  6. Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Whole Bible
  7. Nave's Topical Bible
  8. Synopsis of the Bible
  9. Virtual Christianity
  10. World Wide Web Study Bible


  1. The Assemblies of God Statement of Fundamental Truths
  2. Basics of Christianity.
  3. The Daily Bread
  4. Grace Notes
  5. Mass Readings from the Catholic Information Network
  6. The NIV Quiet Time Bible
  7. The Nostra Aetate
  8. Practical Applications in the Bible
  9. Revised Common Lectionary
  10. Rapture - or Tribulation
  11. See What the Bible Says About....
  12. Single Life Daily Bible Readings
  13. Timeline of Jesus' Life
  14. Various Topics
  15. Where to go in the Bible for....
  16. Words of Hope
  17. Who Were the Twelve Disciples?

    Pastoral Letters

Seminaries and Colleges

  1. Bethel College Seminary
  2. Brite Divinity School
  3. Christian Bible College & Seminary
  4. Divine Word College Seminary
  5. Harvard Divinity School
  6. International Theological Seminary
  7. The Jewish Theological Seminary
  8. Knox College
  9. Luther Seminary, St. Paul
  10. Miami Christian University
  11. Providence Bible College
  12. Reformed Theological Seminary
  13. Saint Petersburg Theological Seminary
  14. Trinity College & Seminary
  15. Waterloo Lutheran Seminary
  16. Western Evangelical Seminary



  1. God's Word for Windows - Version 1.2 (This is an FTP site. You will need to find/download the 24 files named gww12_xx.zip; where xx is 01 to 24. Each file is approx. 931KB, but the software is WELL WORTH IT!)
  2. WinBible V5.0


  1. The Executable Outline Series
  2. ICLnet Software Library
  3. Logos Research Systems, Inc.

Theological Writings

  1. American Theological Library Association Affiliated Institutions Gophers
  2. Biblical Contradictions
  3. Center for Reformed Theology & Apologetics
  4. Christian Classics Ethereal Library
  5. Concordia Theological Seminary--Walther Library
  6. Hill Monastic Manuscript Library
  7. Lewis, C.S. Writings of)
  8. Library of God
  9. On-line Catalogs of Theological Libraries
  10. Pitts Theology Library, Emory University
  11. Theology on the Web
  12. Vatican Exhibit Main Hall
  13. Vanderbilt Divinity Library
  14. White, Ellen G. (Writings of)

Other Online Libraries

  1. Archbishop Ireland Memorial Library
  2. American Theological Library Association
  3. Archbishop Ireland Memorial Library
  4. Andover-Harvard Theological Library
  5. Christian Classics Ethereal Library
  6. Christian Resources
  7. Library of God
  8. Pitts Theology Library
  9. The Reformation Library
  10. Vanderbilt Divinity Library
  11. The Vineyard Archives
  12. Yale Divinity School Library


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