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ARCHIVE FROM: Aug. 8, 1998 Volume 13 Number 30
Fellow nonbelievers
Liberal theologian now a critic of liberalism
By R. Albert Mohler
"It takes one to know one," quipped historian Eugene Genovese,
then an atheist and Marxist. He was referring to liberal
Protestant theologians, whom he believed to be closet
atheists. As Mr. Genovese observed, "When I read much
Protestant theology and religious history today, I have the
warm feeling that I am in the company of fellow nonbelievers."
Mr. Genovese's comment rang prophetic when Gerd Lüdemann, a
prominent German theologian, recently declared, "I no longer
describe myself as a Christian." Currently professor of New
Testament and director of the Institute of Early Christian
Studies at Göttingen University in Germany, Mr. Lüdemann has
provoked the faithful and denied essential Christian doctrines
for many years.
With amazing directness, Mr. Lüdemann has denied the
resurrection of Jesus, the virgin birth, and eventually the
totality of the gospel. Claiming to practice theology as a
"scientific discipline," Mr. Lüdemann (who taught for several
years at the Vanderbilt Divinity School) has sought to debunk
or discredit the Bible as an authoritative source for
Christian theology.
In his influential book Heretics (1995), Mr. Lüdemann sought
to demonstrate that the heretics were right all along, and
that the Christian church had conjured a supernatural Jesus to
further its own cause. In What Really Happened to Jesus (1995)
he argued that "We can no longer take the statements about the
resurrection of Jesus literally." Lest anyone miss his point,
Mr. Lüdemann continued, "So let us say quite specifically: the
tomb of Jesus was not empty but full, and his body did not
disappear, but rotted away."
Nevertheless, Mr. Lüdemann argued that Christianity could be
rescued from its naive supernaturalism by focusing on the
moral teachings of Jesus. Later, Mr. Lüdemann gave an
interview to the German magazine Evangelische Kommentare in
which he stated that the Bible's portrayal of Jesus is a
"fairy-tale world which we cannot enter."
In that same interview he denied the sinlessness of Jesus,
explaining that, if Jesus were truly human, "we must grant
that he was neither sinless or without error." The church, he
argued, must give up its faith in the "risen Lord" and settle
for Jesus as a mere human being, but one from which much can
be learned.
In later writings Mr. Lüdemann argued that Jesus was the
product of a rape, and stated clearly that he could no longer
"take my stand on the Apostles' Creed" or any other historic
confession of faith. He continued, however, to teach as an
official member of the theology faculty-a post that requires
the certification of the Lutheran church in Germany.
Mr. Lüdemann's theological search-and-destroy mission
eventually ran him into a blind alley. As he told the Swiss
Protestant news agency Reformierter Pressedienst, he has come
to a new realization. "A Christian is someone who prays to
Christ and believes in what is promised by Christian doctrine.
So I asked myself: 'Do I pray to Jesus? Do I pray to the God
of the Bible?' And I don't do that. Quite the reverse."
Having come face to face with his unbelief, Mr. Lüdemann has
now turned his guns on church bureaucrats and liberal
theologians. Many church officials, Mr. Lüdemann claims, no
longer believe in the creeds, but simply "interpret" the words
into meaninglessness. Liberal theologians, he asserts, try to
reformulate Christian doctrine into something they can
believe, and still claim to be Christians. He now describes
liberal theology as "contemptible."
Looking back on the whole project of liberal theology, Mr.
Lüdemann offered an amazing reflection: "I don't think
Christians know what they mean when they proclaim Jesus as
Lord of the World. That is a massive claim. If you took that
seriously, you would probably have to be a fundamentalist. If
you can't be a fundamentalist, then you should give up
Christianity for the sake of honesty."
Professor Lüdemann reveals much about the true state of modern
liberal theology. One core doctrine after another has fallen
by liberal denial-all in the name of salvaging the faith in
the modern age. The game is now reaching its end stage. Having
denied virtually every essential doctrine, the liberals are
holding an empty bag. As Mr. Lüdemann suggests, they should
give up their claim on Christianity for the sake of honesty.
Professor Lüdemann is now a formidable foe of liberal
theology, but he is also one of its victims. He said he plans
to pick up his teaching career from a "post-Christian"
perspective, now that he knows "what I am and what I am not."
Should his liberal colleagues attempt to remove him from the
theology faculty as a "post-Christian," Mr. Lüdemann may
respond with Genovese's quip: "It takes one to know one."
© 1996, 1997, 1998 WORLD Magazine.

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