The POPE Encyclopedia

by Matthew Bunson

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A rival  claimant  to  the  papacy  who  might  be  elected,
appointed,  installed,  or  even  proclaim himself to be the
legitimate pontiff; such an individual is said by the Church
to have assumed the title of pope illegally or in opposition
to the legitimate pope. The antipope  was  a  fairly  common
occurrence  during  the  Middle  Ages,  and  most were often
pathetic Churchmen who were propped up by  powerful  rulers,
such  as  a  Holy Roman Emperor, during a feud with the Holy
See over various issues. Their authority was frequently very
limited  and,  after  the resolution of a conflict, the king
who created them might convince them to step down or  simply
abandon  them  to the whim or caprices of the real successor
to  St.  Peter.  Other  antipopes  were  genuinely   notable
prelates  who came to stand as real threats to the authentic
pope. Among them were Benedict  XIII  (1394-1423)  and  John
XXIII  (1410-1415).  Some antipopes were also present in the
early Church, when competing parties in Rome    offer  their
own  candidate  for  the papacy. In sorting out the lists of
antipopes, scholars and experts have  been  confronted  with
serious  questions  over  legitimacy, proper dates, accurate
historical  records,  and  in  some  cases  the  absence  of
supporting  evidence.  Church authorities, however, maintain
the list of recognized popes and antipopes.  In  all,  there
have   been  some  thirty-nine  antipopes,  from  Hippolytus
(217-235) to Felix V (1439-1449). (See table; see also under
individual antipopes for details.)
Hippolytus - 217-235
Novatian - 251-258
Felix II - 355-365
Ursinus - 366-367
Eulalius - 418-419
Lawrence - 498-506
Dioscorus - 530
Theodore - 687
Paschal - 687
Constantine - 767-768
Philip - 768
John - 844
Christopher - 903-904
Boniface VII - 974,984-985
John XVI - 997-998
Gregory VI - 1012
Benedict X - 1058-1059
Honorius II - 1061-1064
Clement III - 1080-1100
Theodoric - 1100-1101
Albert - 1101
Sylvester IV - 1105-1111
Gregory VIII - 1118-1121
Celestine II - 1124
Anacletus II - 1130-1138
Victor IV - 1138
Victor IV - 1159-1164
Paschal III - 1164-1168
Callistus III - 1168-1178
Innocent III - 1179-1180
Nicholas V - 1328-1330
Clement VII - 1378-1394
Benedict XIII - 1394-1423
Alexander V - 1409-1410
John XXIII - 1410-1415
Clement VIII - 1423-1429
Benedict XIV - 1425-1430
Felix V - 1439-1449

(sebelum, sesudah)

Published by Crown Trade Paperbacks
201 East 50th Street, New York
New York 10022, USA
ISBN 0-517-88256-6

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