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Implikasinya dalam Kehidupan Sosial serta Keagamaan
oleh Nurcholish Madjid                            (hal. 523)
Implikasi bahwa al-Qur'an menyeru kepada akal, dan karenanya
tidak  ada  dogma  yang  harus  diterima tanpa sikap kritis,
ialah bahwa al-Qur'an terbuka bagi setiap  orang  yang  akan
mencoba  untuk  menangkap  pesan-pesan  Ilahi  di  dalamnya.
Keterbukaannya bagi setiap  orang  itu  benar-benar  sejalan
dengan  tekanan  atas  adanya  tanggung jawab pribadi setiap
orang kepada Allah kelak di akhirat, yang ajaran ini sendiri
membawa  konsekuensi  tidak dibenarkannya sistem perantaraan
bagi  seseorang   kepada   Allah   melalui   lembaga-lembaga
keagamaan  seperti  kependetaan. Setiap orang adalah pendeta
untuk dirinya sendiri, dalam arti bahwa dia sendirilah  yang
mampu  membawa  jiwanya  untuk  mendekat kepada Allah, bukan
orang lain.
Kemudian, implikasi dari prinsip  ini  ialah  bahwa  manusia
tidak  lagi  perlu  kepada  pembimbing  keruhanian melainkan
dirinya sendiri setingkat dengan  usahanya  memahami  ajaran
Kitab  Suci  yang terbuka itu. Mungkin ia memerlukan bantuan
dari seorang atau para sarjana (ulama), atau  pemikir,  atau
pembaharu, namun tidak kepada seorang atau para tokoh dengan
kekuasaan spiritual. Ini ditegaskan, misalnya, oleh A. Yusuf
Ali  dalam  tafsirnya  uraiannya atas ayat "penutup (khatam)
pada Nabi:"
Jika sebuah dokumen telah distempel, ia telah  lengkap,  dan
tidak  boleh  ada  tambahan.  Nabi Besar Muhammad mengakhiri
garis panjang para rasul. Ajaran Tuhan tetap berlanjut,  dan
akan  tetap terus demikian, namun tidak pernah ada dan tidak
akan ada lagi Nabi sesudah Muhammad. Zaman akhir  memerlukan
para  pemikir  dan  pembaharu  bukan Nabi-nabi. Ini bukanlah
perkara sewenang-wenang. Ia merupakan keputusan dengan penuh
pengetahuan   dan  kebijaksanaan:  "sebab  Allah  mengetahui
sepenuhnya akan segala sesuatu." [l6]
Maka kesimpulannya ialah sungguh banyak  implikasi  positif,
baik   sosial  maupun  keagamaan,  dari  ajaran  bahwa  Nabi
Muhammad  s.a.w.  adalah   penutup   segala   Nabi.   Dengan
berakhirnya  kemungkinan ada Nabi dan Kitab suci serta agama
sesudah Nabi  Muhammad,  al-Qur'an  dan  agama  Islam,  maka
manusia   tinggal   harus   mengembangkan   apa  yang  telah
diwariskan itu, dalam semangat persamaan hak dan  kewajiban,
dan dengan penuh rasa tanggung jawab pribadi kepada Allah di
akhirat. Dan dengan begitu pula maka manusia  terbebas  dari
keharusan  tunduk  tidak  semestinya  kepada  sesamanya, dan
terbebas pula dari godaan cultic dan mitologi.  Jalan  lurus
terbentang   di   hadapannya,   dan   tinggallah   ia  harus
menempuhnya sesuai dengan  kemampuannya.  Maka  konsep  Nabi
Muhammad  sebagai  penutup  segala  Nabi terkait erat dengan
semangat ajaran Tauhid.
 1. Lihat Muhammad Sayyid Qutb, Fi Dhilal al Qur'an, 8 jilid
    (1386 H/1967 M), jil. 6, juz 22, hh. 30. Di situ masalah
    Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. sebagai penutup para Nabi disinggung
    secara sangat minimal hanya dalam dua baris.
 2. Lihat al-Sayyid Muhammad Husayn al-Thaba'thaba'i,
    al-Mizan fi Tafsir al Qur'an, 21 jilid (Beirut: Mu'assasat
    al-A'lami li al-Mathbu'at, 1393 H/1979 M), jil. 16, h. 327.
    Di situ hanya disebutkan dua Hadits yang tentang Nabi
    Muhammad s.a.w. sebagai penutup para Nabi.
 3. The claim of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, (upon whom be
    peace), is that God has raised him for the guidance and
    direction of mankind; that he is the Messiah fortold in the
    Traditions of our Holy Prophet in the Mahdi promised in his
    Sayings; that the prophecies contained in the different
    religious books about the advent of a divine messenger in
    the latter days have also been fulfilled in his person; in
    our time; that God has raised him for the advocacy and
    promulgation of Islam in our time; that God has granted him
    insight into the Holy Qur'an, revealed to him its inner-most
    meaning and truth; that He has revealed to him the secrets
    of a virtuous life. By his work, his message, and his
    example, he has glorifled the Holy Prophet and demonstrated
    the superriority of Islam over other religions." (Hazrat
    Haji Mirza Bashiruddin Mahrud Ahmad, Invitation to
    Ahmadiyyat [Lahore Ilmu Printing Press, 1961], h. 56).
 4. The Book of Mormon is a volume of holy scripture
    comparable to the Bible. It is a record of God's dealings
    with the ancient inhabitants of the Americas and contains,
    as does the Bible, the fullness of the everlasting gospel.
    The books was written by many ancient prophets by the
    spirit of prophecy and revelation. Their words, written on
    gold paltes, were quoted and abridged by a prophet-historian
    named Mormon...
    The crowing event recorded in the Books of Mormon is the
    personal ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ among the
    Nephites soon after his resurrection. It puts forth the
    doctrines of the gospel, outlines the plan of salvation, and
    tells men what they must do to gain peace in this life and
    eternal salvation in the life to come.
    After Mormon completed his writings, he delivered the
    account to his son Moroni, who added a few word of his own
    and hid up the plates in the hill Cumorah. On September 21,
    1823, the same Moroni, then a glorified, resurrected being,
    appeared to the Propet Joseph Smith and instructed him
    relative to the ancient record and its destined translation
    into the English language.
    In due cource the plates were delivered to Joseph Smith,
    who translated them by the gift and power of God. The record
    is now published in many languages as a new and additional
    witness that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and
    that all who will come into him and obey the laws and
    ordinances of his gospel may be saved. (The Book of Mormon,
    Another Testament of Jesus Christ [Salt Lake City, Utah,
    Amerika Serikat: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day
    Saints, 1981], "Introduction").
 5. Having described briefly the claim of the Promised
    Messiah, the Founder of the Ahmadiyya Movement, I wish to
    enumerate the major criteria by which the truth of such a
    claimant can be judged. When it is proved that a certain
    person is divinely commissioned a Messenger of God, it
    becomes incumbent upon everyone to accept his claim. (Mirza
    Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad, h. 57).
 6. Concerning this record the Prophet Joseph Smith said: "I
    told the brethren that the Book of Mormon was the most
    correct of any book on earth, and the keystone of our
    religion and a man would get nearer to God by abiding by its
    precepts, than by any other books." (The Book of Mormon,
 7. QS. al-Ahzab/33:40.
 8. QS. al-Ahzab/33:6.
 9. Muhammad Asad The Message of the Qur'an (London: E.J.
    Brill, 1980), h. 647, catatan 50).
10. QS. al-Maidah/5:42-8.
11. Selanjutnya kami persilakan menelaah keterangan Muhammad
    Asad yang cukup panjang lebar dan amat berguna, sbb:
    The expression "every one of you" denotes the various
    communities of which mankind is composed. The term syir'ah
    (or syari'ah) signifies, literally, "the way to a watering
    place" (from which men and animals derive the element
    indipendsable to their life), and is used in the Qur'an to
    denote a system of law necessary for a community's social
    and spiritual welfare. The term minhaj, on the other hand,
    denotes an "open road," usually in an asbstract sense: that
    is, "a way of life." The term shir'ah and minhaj are more
    restricted in their meaning than the term din, which
    comprises not merely the laws relating to aparticular
    religious but also the basic, unchanging spiritual truths
    which, according to the Qur'an, have been preached by every
    one of God's apostles, while the particular body of laws
    (syir'ah or syari'ah) promulated through them, and the way
    of life (minhaj) recommended by them, varied in accordance
    with the exigencies of the time and of each community's
    cultural development. This "unity in diversity" is frequency
    stressed incorruptibility of its teachings as well as of the
    fact that the Prophet Muhammad is "the seal of all prophet,"
    i.e. the last of them -the Qur'an prepresent the culminating
    point of all revelation and offers the final, perfect way to
    spiritual fulfilment. This uniqueness of the Qur'anic
    message does not, however, preclude all adherents of earlier
    faiths from attaining to God's grace: for -as the Qur'an so
    often points out- those among them who believe
    uncompromisingly in the One God and the Day of Judgment
    (i.e. in individual moral responsibility) and live
    rightously "need have no fear, and neither shall they
    grieve." (Asad, hh. 153-4, catatan 66).
12. QS. al-A'raf/7:158.
13. Ikuti keterangan menarik dari Muhammad Asad berikut:
    This verse, placed paranthetically in the midst of the
    story of Moses and the children of Israel, is meant to
    elucidate the preceding passage. Each of the earlier
    prophets was sent to his, and only his, community: thus, the
    Old Testament addresses it self only to the children of
    Israel; and even Jesus, whose message had a wider bearing,
    speaks of himself as "sent only unto the lost sheep of the
    house of Israel" (Matthew xv. 24). In contrast, the message
    of the Qur'an is universal -that is, addressed to mankind as
    a whole-and is neither time- bound nor cenfined to any
    particular cultural environment. It is for this reason that
    Muhammad, through whom this message was revealed, is
    described in the Qur'an (21:107) as an evidence of "(God's)
    grace toward as the world" (i.e. toward all mankind), and as
    "the Seal of all Prophets' (33:40) -in other words, the last
    of them. (Asad, h. 227, catatan 126).
14. QS. Al-Anbiya/21:107-9.
15. The universality of the Qur'anic revelation arises from
    there factors: fisrtly, its appeal to all mankind
    irrespective of descent, race or cultural environment;
    secondly, the fact that it appeals exclusively to man's
    reason and, hence, does not postulate any dogma that could
    be accepted on the basis of blind faith alone; and finally,
    the fact that -contrary to all other sacred sciptures know
    to history- the Qur'an has reamind entirety unchange in its
    wording ever since its revelation fourteen centuries ago and
    will, because it is so widely recorded forever remain so in
    accordance with the divine promise, "it is We who shall
    trully guard it (from all corruption)" ... It is by virtue
    of these three factors that the Qur'an represents the final
    stage of all divine revelation, and that the Prophet through
    whom it has been conveyed to mankind is stated to have been
    the last (in Qur'anic terminology, "the seal") of all
    prophets. (Asad, h. 502, catatan 102).
16. When a document is sealed, it is complete, and there can
    be no further addition. The Holy Prophet Muhammad closed the
    long line of Apostles. God's teaching is and will be
    continous, but there has been and will be no Prophet after
    Muhammad. The later ages will want thinkers and reformers,
    not Prophets. This is not an arbitrary matter. It is a
    decree full of knowledge and wisdom: "for God has full
    knowledge of all things." (A. Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur'an,
    [Jeddah: Dar al-Qiblah, 1403 H], h. 1119, n. 3731).
Kontekstualisasi Doktrin Islam Dalam Sejarah
Editor: Budhy Munawar-Rachman
Penerbit Yayasan Paramadina
Jln. Metro Pondok Indah
Pondok Indah Plaza I Kav. UA 20-21
Jakarta Selatan
Telp. (021) 7501969, 7501983, 7507173
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